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Curiouser Short Film

Curiouser Short Film




When a young girl struggles with identity and where she belongs in the world, the help she thought she needed was actually through a bizarre encounter with her own self.

I took a lot of st...le inspiration for this film from Tim Burton, Alice in Wonderland, and an adaptation called Alice. I want this film to be abstract, artistsic, and a chance to look inwards on oneself.

Our director, Gabriel, first short film "A Matter of Time" (2013) was Nominated for the Best Young Talent Award at the International Short Film Festival of Naousa, his second film Rose (2013) earned him the People's Choice Award in the same Festival and his latest short Pink Taxi (2019) has earned him 3 awards including Best Short Film and Best Comedy while traveling to festivals across the globe.

Budget + Timeline
Pre-Production - January
Shoot Phase - February

The funds will help the following:

Crew + Cast fees
Equiptment and props
Location permits, travel and meals

Double J Productions is an independant production company in London who’s first short film was created during the pandemic last year called, Physique. It has been selected at many festivals, including BAFTA and OSCAR qualifying festivals. Double J has been featured in Everyday Magazine and Film Daily . Jennifer James is the founder and producer and prides herself on writing compelling, imagitive stories that can bringing meaningful stories to the screen that encourage us to shift our persepectives.


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